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Fall Field Day Seminar and Details

affiché le sep 9, 2024

With only a few weeks left until the Fall Field Day and Exchange Event make sure you have registered to be a part of this experience!


You'll get two rounds of golf; one at Shaugnessy Golf & Country Club and another at University Golf Club, plus the Toro Reception, Syngenta Awards Dinner and Envu Education Session. Plus lunch and dinner at The Exchange Event.

Register Here Now!

Seminar Info:

Beyond Words: Mastering Workplace Communication in Challenging Situations



Seminar will be taking place on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at University Golf Club from 9:30 am - 11:30 am. Coffee and muffins will be available.


Communication is known to be an absolute necessity for workplaces to operate well. It is a funny word because so often it is implied that “good communication” is straight forward, fairly easy and requires some basic skills. Unfortunately, the reality of interactions between colleagues can often times go sideways, contain a lot of confusion and miss the mark of understanding. Myth: not everyone is good at communicating. Add to this those situations when communication is more challenging because of hierarchy, generational differences and conflict.  In this session, participants will explore the dynamics of communication, learn some generational differences and create strategies to tackle difficult conversations. 



Presented by Pam Paquett


Pam is a master level facilitator and corporate trainer. She will focus on the people side of business and organizations. Her goal is always to people “stop doing what is not working”. Her psychological background compliments her ability to understand what makes people tick and their behaviours . . . .good and bad. 


Pam doesn’t have an agenda nor pretend to know everything so be prepared to participate, speak up and laugh a bit.



Seminar Sponsored by Envu

Thank you to our Generous Sponsors

Still Room for a Couple of Sponsors
Contact Barb Manifold to discuss options at 1-800-387-1056, ext 25 or Jenn Rozek at 250-804-4973.