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To join go to: Join/Renew | Canadian Golf Superintendents Association (golfsupers.com) or complete the Membership Application Form


CGSA Introduces New Club Membership Category: Join Now and Save!

The Canadian Golf Superintendents Association (CGSA) is excited to announce the launch of a new membership option designed to provide savings for those clubs who have multiple staff members at one facility.

The Club Membership option is offered at $1,175 and includes a minimum of three (3) Members from the same Club, anchored with one Superintendent member and then include either two Assistants or one Assistant and one Equipment Technician or any combination of those two categories.  This is designed to provide savings for courses with three or more staff. By signing up you will save a minimum of $49 on the three memberships. Save even more by adding additional staff at $125 each. You will be providing your staff with access to all benefits of a CGSA member except voting rights.

Membership in your National Association is an important part of individuals’ professional development and can also serve as a tool to increase retention and further their involvement in the industry. All keys to create and retain a successful team for Superintendents.

Superintendents interested in taking advantage of this new Club Membership option, please click this link: Join/Renew | Canadian Golf Superintendents Association (golfsupers.com) and select the Club Membership Category to complete your applications or you can complete the form to opt into the NEW Club Membership Now: Club Membership Request | Canadian Golf Superintendents Association (golfsupers.com).

The CGSA constantly strives to bring the best value and unique experiences to our members, and this latest offering is designed with you in mind.

If you have any questions, or require more information, please contact Lori Micucci, Manager, Member Services at lmicucci@golfsupers.com or 1-800-387-1056, ext. 27.


John McLinden, AGS
CGSA President


FREE CGSA Student Memberships

Try and Apply Yourself for a Student Membership
to See How Easy it is!

The Canadian Golf Superintendents Association (CGSA) is offering free student membership to students enrolled full-time in a Turfgrass Program approved by the Board of Directors!

What's Included: 

  • Eligibility for a CGSA student scholarship;
  • Access to our SuperSearch service (employment postings);
  • Educational opportunities through The Canadian Golf Course Management conference and Live Learning Centre;
  • Discount student rate to attend the conference;
  • Students can maintain their classification for one year after graduating;
  • Receive all CGSA Communications: (GreenMaster, GreenMatter, and On-the-Fringe;
  • Student members shall have all the privileges of the association except that of voting and holding office. and;
  • Receive all the essential member benefits.

To join go to: Join/Renew | Canadian Golf Superintendents Association (golfsupers.com) or complete the Membership Application Form.


CGSA members, here are some of the other benefits included in membership:

 Membership in the CGSA not only benefits employees of your company, but it also benefits your club! Think of it as an investment! 

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We're excited to welcome you as a CGSA member TODAY!!

Lori Micucci, Manager, Member Services

Tel: 1-800-387-1056/416-626-8873, ext. 27 or email: lmicucci@golfsupers.com






L'ACSG est la seule organisation nationale vouée au soutien des surintendants et des professionnels de la gestion des terrains de golf au Canada. L'ACSG offre de nombreux avantages, dont la représentation et la promotion de la profession, l’avancement social, la reconnaissance des compétences, le perfectionnement professionnel et la remise de prix exclusifs à ce secteur du golf.

Nous vous invitons aujourd'hui à adhérer à l'ACSG pour une année complète. Voici d’autres avantages offerts 


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  • Programme d'achat Golfmax
  • Programmes de prix
  • Agrément professionnel
  • Événements et réseautage
  • Prestation de services
  • Communications

Lori Micucci

Tél.: 1 800 387-1056/(416) 626-8873, poste 27, ou par courriel : lmicucci@golfsupers.com


FREE CGSA Student Memberships!

The Canadian Golf Superintendents Association (CGSA) is offering free student membership to students enrolled in a Turfgrass Program approved by the Board of Directors, effective immediately!

What's Included:

  • Eligibility for a CGSA student scholarship;
  • Access to our SuperSearch service;
  • Educational opportunities throughout the year;
  • Discount student rate to attend the conference;
  • Students can maintain their classification for one year after graduating and;
  • All the essential member benefits.

Who Can Join?

To qualify as a CGSA student member, the applicant must be enrolled as a full-time student in a turfgrass program approved by the Board of Directors. Student members shall have all the privileges of the association except that of voting and holding office. For more information and application forms on membership and/or the Awards Programs, please visit www.golfsupers.com.

How to Sign Up?

Complete your application online and check out. You must enter the promo code student2021 to receive the complimentary membership.

  • Or submit your Information to Lori Micucci by completing the form on the back of this page.
  • Once approved, you'll get an email with your login information!

We're excited to welcome you as a CGSA member TODAY!!

If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact:

Lori Micucci
Manager, Member Services
T: 1-800-387-1056 ext. 27, F: 416-626-1958 or E: lmicucci@golfsupers.com



Thank you to every CGSA member who recently renewed their 2021-2022 membership renewal.  We appreciate your continued support.  As this season gets underway, we are wondering if you’ve considered membership for any of your key staff members, in particular your Assistant?  We know that you count on them for many tasks throughout the day so why not share the professional development and recognition that comes with being a part of the CGSA?

Help to make CGSA’s voice stronger by sharing membership with your Assistant today! There are numerous benefits for your assistant including professional development opportunities, designation program and awards; including the CGSA/Toro Assistant Superintendent of the Year Award.

Simply have your Assistant complete this form or join online by July 1, 2021.  Include your name on the application and in return you will be entered into a draw for a CGSA prize pack.

For those who haven’t renewed their membership yet, your membership expires on June 30th and you can renew now, by clicking here!

 If you have any questions, please contact Lori Micucci at: 1-800-387-1056/416-626-8873, ext. 27.
