Professional Designations
- In 1987 the Canadian Golf Superintendents Association (CGSA) introduced the Master Superintendent® (MS™) accreditation program and in 1994 an exam was developed to go along with the MS™ Program.
- In 1998 the National Occupational Standards (NOS) was developed. These standards encompassed nine responsibilities of the superintendent, identified 52 competencies that a superintendent should possess and outlined 159 behaviours and skills required to perform the professional responsibilities of a superintendent at the highest level.
- In 2001 the NOS was approved and accepted by the membership.
- In 2006 an updated Master Superintendent® program and a new Accredited Golf Superintendent™ program was launched.
- In 2011 the eligibility criteria of both the Master Superintendent® program and a new Accredited Golf Superintendent™ program were revised and in July the AGS® exam was made available to Assistant Superintendent members that met the criteria.
- In 2019 the Board of Directors approved the recommendation by the Professional Development and Accreditation Committee to alter the Master Superintendent® exam criteria. The amendments that have been implemented are the number of questions moving to 150, with a time limit of 3 hours. Successful exam participants must reach an overall average on the exam of 70%. For a copy of the updated criteria, please click here.
For more information on applying for any of these designations including the eligibility, please see the information below.
- At least eight (8) consecutive years as a CGSA “Superintendent” or “Golf Course Management” member;
- Hold the Accredited Golf Superintendent™ (AGS®) designation, and;
- Complete the Master Superintendent exam with the required passing grade (exam is three (3) hours and includes nine sections and 150 questions; candidates must achieve a minimum grade of fifty percent (50%) in each section and an overall average of 70%).
- Master Superintendent (MS) Application Form
- Program Credit Values
- MS Exam Breakdown
- Recommended Readings
- MS Guidelines and Terms of Use
- Master Superintendent (MS) Renewal Application Form
- Three (3) consecutive years experience as a Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent;
- Achieve fifty (50) Continuing Education Credits (CEC) within the three (3) previous years;
- Must be a CGSA Member in good standing in either the Golf Superintendent or Golf Course Management categories when you submit your application; and
- Complete the exam with the established passing grade (exam is two (2) hours in length with one hundred (100) questions) and achieve an overall mark of 70% and a minimum grade of 50% in each section).
- Accredited Golf Superintendent Application (AGS) Form
- Program Credit Values
- Dacum Chart
- AGS Exam Breakdown
- Recommended Readings
- AGS Guidelines & Terms of Use
- Accredited Golf Superintendent (AGS) Renewal Form
- Three (3) years experience as an CGSA Assistant Superintendent member;
- Achieve fifty (50) Continuing Education Credits (CEC) within the three (3) previous years;
- Must be a CGSA Member in good standing in either the Golf Superintendent, Golf Course Management or Assistant Superintendent categories when you submit your application
- Accredited Golf Superintendent/Assistant (AAGS) Application Form
- Program Credit Value
- Dacum Chart
- AGS Exam Breakdown
- Recommended Readings
- Guidelines & Terms of Use
- Accredited Golf Superintendent/Assistant (AAGS) Renewal Form
If you have any questions, or require more information please contact, Lori Micucci