Home > Membership > Join/Renew
Attention Existing Members:
You must login before you will be able to renew your membership.

New CGSA, BCGSA & MGSA Members may join using the links below (Membership runs from July 1 - June 30).  Join now and receive some months of membership for free!

CGSA Proudly Announced the Club Membership Option in 2024. It was so successful, we are offering it again in 2025. Click here to learn more!

If you’re interested in taking advantage of this new CGSA Club Membership option, please complete the form by clicking this link: https://golfsupers.com/Club_Membership_Request.html.


CGSA Dues:

Superintendent $486
Assistant Superintendent $387
Golf Equipment Technician $387
Golf Course Maintenance $309
Golf Course Management $486
Industry Affiliate $615
Industry 2 Affiliate $180
Associate $458
Student Free
Club Membership
includes 3 Members

Add Additional Staff:




Superintendent $230
Assistant Superintendent $150
Golf Equipment Technician $150
Golf Course Maintenance $150
Golf Course Management $230
Industry Affiliate $230
Industry 2 Affiliate
Same as Industry Affiliate
Associate $150
Student Free
Industry Group Rate
(up to 5 members)

MGSA Dues:

Superintendent $153
Assistant Superintendent $153
Golf Equipment Technician $153
Golf Course Maintenance $153
Golf Course Management $153
Industry Affiliate $153
Industry 2 Affiliate
Same as Industry Affiliate
Associate $153
Student Free

Select Your Membership

  • Club Membership
    The Club Membership option is offered at $1,210 and includes one Superintendent and either an Assistant and Equipment Technician memberships OR any combination of those categories. This is designed to provide savings for courses with three or more staff. Save even more by adding additional staff at $125 each. You will be providing your staff with access to all benefits of a CGSA member except voting rights.
  • Superintendent
    The criterion for Superintendent Membership includes current employment in the position of superintendent with full and complete responsibility for the day to day maintenance and operation of the golf course.  Superintendent members practicing in Canada must hold a valid pesticide license.  Golf facilities comprised of 36 holes or more may employ more than one Superintendent member. Superintendent members shall have all of the privileges of the Association that are provided to members.
  • Assistant Superintendent
    To qualify as an Assistant Superintendent member an applicant must currently hold the position of Assistant Superintendent at a golf course. Assistant Superintendent members practicing in Canada must have a valid pesticide license. Assistant Superintendent members shall have all the privileges of the association except that of voting and holding office.
  • Associate
    To qualify for an Associate Membership Category an applicant must be one who is sufficiently interested in the profession of turf-growing and management to work for the benefit of the Association. Associate members shall not be entitled to vote or hold office.
  • Golf Course Maintenance
    To qualify for Golf Course Maintenance membership an applicant must currently be a staff member on a golf course who does not qualify under any of the other membership categories. Golf Course Maintenance members shall have all of the privileges of the Association that are provided to members, except that of voting and holding office.
  • Golf Course Management
    To qualify for Category Golf Course Management membership, an applicant shall have at least 5 years as a golf course superintendent, having been in full and complete control of the day to day maintenance and operation of a golf course and who has moved on to assume another senior management position at that same organization or another club. Category Golf Course Management members shall have all the privileges of the association that are provided to members, except that of holding office.
  • Golf Equipment Technician
    To qualify for a Golf Equipment Technician membership an applicant must currently hold the position of golf equipment technician at a golf course.  Golf Equipment Technician members shall have all the privileges of the Association that are provided to members, except that of voting and holding office.
  • Industry Affiliate
    To qualify for an Industry Affiliate Membership Category an applicant must be doing business in the turfgrass industry and is the primary member. An Industry Affiliate member shall not be entitled to vote or hold office.
  • Industry 2 Affiliate
    Additional Industry Affiliate Members from the same company may join (after the first primary member) and shall not be entitled to vote or hold office.
  • Student
    The Canadian Golf Superintendents Association (CGSA) is offering free student membership to students enrolled in a Turfgrass Program approved by the Board of Directors, effective immediately! Student Members shall have all the privileges of the Association except that of voting or holding office.