The Turf Track will be held in the Arbutus Ballroom on the main floor of the hotel.
Join the following speakers for 2 1/2 days packed full of education:
James Beebe - PAR4GOLF - Leadership Coach, Mentor & Consultant
Colin Park B.S - Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Management - A/Head, Water Allocation
Dr. Leah Brilman B.S M.S PhD - Seed Research of Oregon - Director of Product Management & Technical Services
Dr. Tom Hsiang BSc MSc PhD - University of Guelph - Professor
Dr. John Kaminski M.S PhD - Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences - Professor, Associate Head (Department of Plant Science), and Director (Golf Course Turfgrass Management Program)
Chase Straw PhD - Texas A&M University Soil & Crop Sciences - Assistant Professor in Turfgrass Management & Physiology
Brian Vinchesi - Irrigation Consulting Inc - President
Scott Webster - Storey Creek Golf Club - Assistant Superintendent
Peter Wendt - Congressional Country Club - Director of Course and Grounds
Superintendents Panel