E-News > CGSA Contributes $5,000 to Turf Research
In a renewed effort to support turfgrass research, the Canadian Golf Superintendents Association (CGSA) Board of Directors voted to contribute $5,000 toward 2022 project funding through the Canadian Turfgrass Research Foundation.
John Scott, AGS, CGSA President and Paul Schofield, CTRF Board Chair, along with Benoit Huot, CTRF Director, took an active role securing the CGSA's participation in helping the CTRF advance education and scientific knowledge associated with the safe, recreational and functional use of turfgrass.
In a letter to the CGSA, Paul Schofield stated:
“Our driving force has always been golf and the CGSA. In fact, the organization was created in 1976 by a few names you will know: Bob Heron, Ashley Legeyt, Walt Gooder, James Wyllie and others, who were all Directors on the first Board and served for years thereafter.
With your help, the CTRF will continue distributing funds for turf research projects aimed at improving turf surface quality, safety and playability, creating best practices, increasing operations efficiency by reducing resources, input and maintenance costs, and promoting an environmentally friendly and sustainable approach to turf management.”
“Timing couldn’t be better for this generous contribution as our 2022 call for proposals just closed with twelve funding requests received,” stated CTRF Executive Secretary Jerry Rousseau. He added, “Turfgrass researchers will be very happy to learn that additional funds are available and anxious for our 2022 project funding announcement due next spring.”
About the CTRF
The Canadian Turfgrass Research Foundation (CTRF) is a registered charity that raises funds for turfgrass research projects aimed at advancing education and scientific knowledge associated with the safe, recreational and functional use of turfgrass.
Jerry Rousseau, Executive Secretary – executive.secretary@turfresearchcanada.ca