E-News > Committee Volunteers Needed
CGSA’s Standing Committees are the lifeblood of our organization. The input of our members in a number of critical areas of the CGSA mandate helps to shape the very programs and services that the CGSA provides on a daily basis and provides an exciting opportunity to meet people from across the country and get first hand, and in many cases, advanced knowledge of the issues and situations affecting golf course management in Canada.
The current list of standing committees includes:
- Member Services
- Environment
- Communications, Marketing and Public Relations
- Professional Development and Accreditation
- Assistant Superintendent - (must be an Assistant Superintendent Member)
If you are a CGSA member interested in serving on one of the CGSA Standing Committees, please let the CGSA office know by April 25th, noting the committee on which you would prefer to participate.
You’ll be contacted by email in early May of your committee appointment with the first committee meetings being held late May/early June.
Committee volunteers also receive 6 CGSA continuing credits.
Please complete this form and return to the CGSA by April 25, 2025.
The Canadian Golf Superintendents Association is committed to supporting our members in the art and science of golf course management.