E-News > The Canadian Confirmed Speakers
posted on Nov 9, 2021
Confirmed Speakers And More!
We're pleased to announce that speakers are being confirmed and the education program exclusively sponsored by Syngenta is taking shape! Looking to balance the education program for today's turf management professionals is what the Conference Committee is working towards.
Speakers including Ph.D.'s sharing their latest research and knowledge with attendees as well as those who have practical experience in their positions.
Some of those confirmed speakers include:
- Bob Weeks, TSN
- Tom Hsiang, Ph.D., University of Guelph
- Katerina Jordan, Ph.D., University of Guelph
- Eric Lyons, Ph.D., University of Guelph
- John Bladon, Chimera Group
- Ian Andrew, Ian Andrew Golf Course Design
- Edward Snetsinger, Sherrard-Kuzz LLP
- Bill Godkin, CE Safety
- Neil Juniper, Turfcare
And sessions on topics including:
- Parasitic Nematodes
- Sustainability
- Risks and Best Practices of Hiring Seasonal Employees
- Plant Defense Activators
- Safety Audits
- Soil Conditioners and Wetting Agents
- Business Communications
- Tips and Tricks on Maintaining Your Irrigation System
Note speakers and topics subject to change.
Networking and Social Events
The Canadian Golf Course Management Conference will be offering even more value this year with two breakfasts, the awards lunch sponsored by Bayer, trade show lunch, daily networking breaks with coffee, Opening SociALL sponsored by Brett Young and evening social function. All INCLUDED in your ALL ACCESS registration fee!
Official Event Website
On the website you'll find all the details of the event, including the schedule of events, confirmed speakers, sponsors, travel and accommodations and more!
Book Your Hotel Accommodations Today
All education and trade show events will take place at The Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel. The hotel is located at 123 Queen Street West in Toronto at Queen and University.
We have a special room rate available for attendees of The Canadian - at only $179 per night it's a great option to stay right at the centre of the action. Several options for upgrades to the Club Floor (including access to the Club Lounge) or suites are available as well.
You can book online here. In order to receive the special group rate you will need to book by December 16th. Should you have any issues with booking, please let Kathryn Wood know at kwood@golfsupers.com.
Interested in Supporting the Event?
Sponsorship and Trade Show Opportunities Available
We've got some amazing sponsorship opportunities available for you to bring your company name to mind for those in attendance and beyond. You'll not only be recognized at the live event; your commitment will live on through the association magazine, online recognition and e-newsletters throughout the year. Here is our sponsorship prospectus.
Or participate in Canada's largest trade show dedicated to golf course turf professionals. Space is selling quickly, so make sure you book while you can! Visit the site for more information.
Consider supporting the Online Auction with proceeds to support the CGSA and the OGSA. For more information click here.
Registration is Now Open for The Canadian Golf Course Management Conference
Let us know if you have any questions -
Registration, Trade Show or Silent Auction - Barb Manifold - bmanifold@golfsupers.com
Education, Sponsorship, Hotel - Kathryn Wood - kwood@golfsupers.com