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Pesticide Licence Requirements

Under The Canadian Golf Superintendents Association (CGSA) Constitution and Bylaws, Article II Section 1, Membership, states in part:

“Superintendent members must hold a valid pesticide licence, where available.”
“Assistant Superintendent members must hold a valid pesticide licence, where available.”

Given the current scrutiny of pesticide use by many government bodies, it is particularly important that every golf course manager is seen as a qualified professional able to supervise pesticide choice and application and utilize IPM protocols. Most national and regional superintendent associations now recognize this and require a valid pesticide applicator license as a condition of membership.

Members can send a copy of their valid pesticide license to CGSA by mail, lmicucci [at] golfsupers [dot] com (subject: Pesticide%20Licence) (e-mail Lori Micucci )or fax 416-626-1958. It is recommended that you write your name, pesticide licence number and the expiry date on your fax cover to insure that your information is received in a legible manner.